Friday, December 13, 2013

The Birthing Tree

Just driving down the street in the small city of McMinnville, TN you would hardly expect to see such a marvel. But there it stood, firmly planted, just across the street from their local hospital. This magnificent old white oak tree. It stands 85 feet tall and 125 feet across the crown. It is said to possibly be 250 years old.

The tree is located next to Hwy 70 South, many years ago that was known as the Old Kentucky Trail. This old trail was traveled by early settlers and wagon trains. The folklore has it that the history might go back as far as the march to Oklahoma by the Cherokee Indians known as the "Trail Of Tears."

The tree was used as a landmark among the settlers . It was the place to hold up to wait to meet up with other settlers, to wait out bad weather, to wait when their supplies had run low etc. Sometimes they stayed there for long periods of time. It was told that sometimes there were children born there during their stays. Some of the local folks even claim that before the settlers found it, that it had first been used by the Cherokee women. That along their march to Oklahoma they would stop there under that tree to give birth. Therefore it's historical registered name "The Birthing Tree."

Because of these old stories that have been past down for generations, the old tree still remains a landmark. There is one thing that I am certain of, there have been many stories, rumors and meetings shared under this old tree. If only trees could talk what a story it could tell........

                                                          "The Birthing Tree"



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